2015 No. 2

Display Method:
Progress and Prospect of Research on Road Traffic Behavior
SHI Jianjun, LI Pengfei, LIU Xiaoming, LI Wenfang
2015, (2): 1-9. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.001
Abstract(306) PDF(0)
The road traffic behavior is an important research focus in the field of traffic behaviors .This paper re‐viewed and summarized the academic situation ,existing problems ,research methods and development prospects of the road traffic behavior .The road traffic behavior is defined .The difference and relation among the driving behavior ,the driver behavior and road traffic behavior is analyzed .The road traffic behavior includes four sections :the basic traffic be‐havior ,aggressive traffic behavior ,route choice behavior and competition/cooperation traffic behavior .This paper ana‐lyzed the research situation on each category ,illustrate the existing problems ,and expound the research trend in road traffic behavior .In order to improve the method of road traffic behavior research ,based on varieties of traffic behavior characteristics of traffic behavior ,the appropriate research methods and means (space‐time method ,experimental and simulation) were proposed .The role of different research stage was discussed from its advantages ,disadvantages and ap‐plicability .The future development trend and suggestions of the road traffic behavior are proposed .This paper developed a framework of road traffic behavior ,and the future development trend was discussed .
A Review of Vehicle Driving Simulator Application on Traffic Safety
WU Xiaorui, WU Zhizhou
2015, (2): 10-19. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.002
Abstract(322) PDF(2)
Vehicle Driving Simulator is an important tool for the study of traffic characteristics among "people‐vehi‐cles‐roads‐environment"and is widely applied in traffic research with good reproducibility ,safety and low cost ,especially various vehicle data in dangerous scenarios can be collected .Research of vehicle driving simulator in traffic safety has made significant progress .This paper briefly reviewed the history of the development and application of vehicle driving simulator in the world and summarized the use of vehicle driving simulators in traffic safety in 5 areas :driving distraction , road design ,traffic design ,traffic accident ,and driving fatigue .The strengths and weaknesses were also analyzed .Final‐ly ,the future application of vehicle driving simulator in traffic safety in China and some existing issues were discussed .
An Approach of Multimodal Network Design---Models,Algorithms and Application
HU Wenting, CHEN Jun, WANG Wei
2015, (2): 20-25. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.003
Abstract(301) PDF(0)
In order to optimize the operation of the urban multimodal road network ,a bi‐level model is proposed in the study based on analyzing the interaction of the mixed traffic flow .A practical approach was developed to overall design the motor vehicle lanes ,bicycle lanes and pedestrian sidewalks as a whole .The upper model defined road traffic efficiency as an optimization objective .The lower model was an integrated model to forecast travel choices .Three heuristic algo‐rithms with the diagonalization algorithm were used to solve the bi‐level model .The proposed method was applied to the urban road network planning in the City of Huaibei .The proposed algorithms were evaluated on three target values by 30 trial runs each .The results indicate the PSO algorithm was the most efficient .The goodness‐of‐fit of lower model was 0 . 659 ,which was better than the independent traffic network 0 .375 .The network can be optimized to achieve different ob‐jectives .The results also conclude that the proposed approach is practical and feasible to be used in design and planning of multi‐modal road network .
Short Period Urban Traffic Volume Forecasts Using Speed Data
ZHANG Runmin, XIA Jingxin, HUANG Wei
2015, (2): 26-30,56. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.004
Abstract(247) PDF(0)
A short period traffic volume forecasting model ,which based on Kalman filtering algorithm and without assuming the state variables to be stationary ,is proposed with considering the characteristics of speed variation .On the basis of the spatial temporal evolution relationship between the traffic flow of upstream and downstream in urban road net‐work ,a time variant state transition matrix is developed from the average speed data collected in field .The new state transition matrix will replace the constant state transition matrix of the existing short period traffic volume forecasting model based on Kalman filtering algorithm .Traffic volume forecasts of 4 days on 2 real road sections were conducted ,the results show that the improved model has a better overall forecasting accuracy than the original model due to the enhance‐ment of dynamic performance .The mean absolute relative error (MARE) decreased from 7 .64% to 7 .25% and from 16 . 04% to 15 .75% ;equality coefficient (EC) increased from 0 .957 2 to 0 .960 2 and from 0 .925 0 to 0 .926 8 .For those time periods when the traffic volume changed rapidly ,the improvement is even more significant .In this case ,the mean absolute relative error reduced by 14 .8% .The results also verified the effectiveness of the proposed approach .
Research and Application of Texture Feature Extraction Based on Multi-features
MEI Langqi, GUO Jianming, LIU Qing
2015, (2): 31-38. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.005
Abstract(272) PDF(0)
Texture is a significant visual feature which is commonly used to identify and distinguish the image .. This paper summarized and analyzed the current common method of texture feature extraction ,including Gray Level Co‐occurrence Matrix (GLCM ) ,Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Discrete wavelet transform (DWT ) .With the weight of configuration parameters ,a new texture extraction method of multi‐features is proposed and implemented ,which com‐bines the three basic methods mentioned .The image texture description ability of different methods is compared through the tests on the image retrieval system .The results show that the average precision of texture feature extraction method based on multi‐feature combination increased 20% comparing to GLCM algorithm ;increased 9% comparing to LBP algo‐rithm ;increased 10% comparing to DWT algorithm ;and increased 15% comparing to Xu's texture feature extraction method when images were retrieved from Corel library .The new texture feature extraction method proposed in this paper combined the advantages of each method ,and had good rotation invariance and scale invariance .However ,it is necessary to extract the texture features of GLCM ,LBP and DWT at the same time ;the time required for the new texture feature extraction method is the sum of the three algorithms ,which limits its application in some practical cases .
A Study of Bus Coordinated Departure Model
CHEN Lilin, LI Xunhui, ZOU Zhijun
2015, (2): 39-44. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.006
Abstract(247) PDF(0)
The bus waiting times consist of waiting times at departure stations and transfer times at transfer sta‐tions .The transit coordinate scheduling model (CSM) ,which only focuses on the shortest transfer times ,cannot reduce the waiting times at departure station .This study proposes the concept of bus coordinated departures and its require‐ments .Based on classifications of passenger characteristics ,the waiting times of different types of passengers at the de‐partures and transfer stations were analyzed in order to develop the proposed model with a target of the shortest waiting time .Because of many variables in the model ,genetic algorithm is used to search the solution .The effectiveness of the model was validated by a case study .The results show that CDM will provide shorter waiting times than CSM and the waiting time decreases 15 .2% .
Parameter Calibration of Vissim Simulation Models with a Focus on Main and Side Roads
LI Zhenlong, WANG Baoju, JIN Xue, LIAN Peikun
2015, (2): 45-50. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.007
Abstract(321) PDF(2)
Parameter calibration of microscopic traffic simulation model is the foundation and prerequisites to ensure the effectiveness of simulation models .This paper proposes a parameter calibration method of microscopic traffic simula‐tion model focusing on the different driving behaviors on the main roads and side roads .The errors of the average delays on road entrances are selected as an evaluation indicator .Genetic algorithm is used to search the optimal parameters .The parameters of driving behaviors on the main roads and side roads in Vissim are calibrated .The driving behavior parame‐ters were calibrated using the proposed method in the model of the intersection of Chaoyang road and Gaobeidian North Road as well as the intersection of Nanyuan road and Jiujingzhuang road .The results show that the errors of the average delays were 2 .1 s on main road and 2 .5 s on side road by using the proposed calibration method .While using the unified method ,the errors of the average delay were 7 .1 s on main road and 7 .5 s on side road is 7 .5 s .The study concludes that the proposed method is effective and improves the efficiency and accuracy of the simulation .
A Study of Vessel Traffic Flow Forecast Based on State Space Analysis of Continuous Cross Sections
WU Kang, WANG Yang, XIE Lei, WU Bing
2015, (2): 51-56. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.008
Abstract(301) PDF(4)
The vessel traffic flow is the foundation of decision makings related to the design ,planning and manage‐ment of channels .This paper investigates the traditional vessel traffic flow forecast model of single cross section in water‐way ,and studies continuous cross section model based upon state space and Kalman filtering .The space state model is de‐veloped based on a multi‐dimensional linear regression analysis of the time series formed from the traffic flow at the multi‐ple cross sections .Kalman filtering is used to recursively forecast the vessel traffic flow at the multi cross sections .In the study ,the vessel traffic flows at the Wuhan Yangtze Bridge and Wuhan Yangtze No .2 Bridge in the City of Wuhan ,Chi‐na were analyzed to test the proposed model .The result shows the error decreases 4 .59% and 0 .97% respectively ,com‐paring to the results from the traditional forecast model using single cross section .In addition ,the real vessel traffic flow collected at Chaotianmen ,Wanzhou and Wushan in Chongqing ,China were also used to compare the proposed model with the single cross section model ,which results a 1 .08% ,4 .28% ,and 3 .54% decreases respectively .The test results indi‐cate that the proposed model can provide more accurate vessel traffic forecast .
A Study of Bus Stops on Multiple Routes
JIA Fuqiang, MA Changxi, YANG Xinfeng
2015, (2): 57-62. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.009
Abstract(317) PDF(0)
In order to address bus queuing ,stop delay ,low operating efficiency at bus stops on multiple routes , this paper analyses the effects of different stop/parking layouts and combinations of primary and secondary bus stops on bus operation .The linear and bay bus stops with 3 bus berths and different combination of stopping sequence were ana‐lyzed based on Vissim simulation .The effects of different bus stop layouts and dwelling organization on the performance of transit were evaluated from number of bus delay ,total delays ,travel times and bus volumes .The optimal dwelling or‐ganization for different bus stop layout was concluded .Based on these results ,different combination types of primary and secondary bus stops with 6 bus berths were analyzed and evaluated .The optimal form of dwelling organization and prima‐ry secondary combination bus stops were recommended .The simulation result showed the total delay on 3 berths linear bus stop decreased 38 .4% on average ;and a bay bus stop decreased 40 .6% on average;the total delay decreased 22 .8%when 6 berths primary‐secondary bus stop used the tandem double bay layout .
Travel Time Estimation on a Freeway with Ramps
DENG Yiping, RAN Xu, DING Shanshan, GUO Jianhua
2015, (2): 63-68. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.010
Abstract(187) PDF(0)
An improved method of travel time estimation on a freeway with focusing on the freeway section charac‐teristics is proposed .In consideration of traffic flow fluctuation and influence areas on different sections ,the proposed method optimizes the estimates of the travel time on freeway sections based on the locations of ramps on the link and it is applicable for the freeway sections with ramps which cause an uneven traffic flow .The proposed method was tested on Nanjing Airport Highway as a case study by simulated speed from Vissim and the actual travel time .The results show that the accuracy of travel time estimates could increase 3 .71% and 4 .59% comparing to the estimates by semi‐distance method and space linear interpolation method respectively when the traffic flow rates of ramps were balanced ;the accura‐cy of travel time estimates could increase 16 .27% and 17 .29% respectively when the traffic flow rates on ramps were sig‐nificant different .The results confirmed that the proposed method could provide more accurate travel time estimates on freeways .
Travel Time Estimation on Dynamic Links Based on Cellular Automation
WANG Honglin, JIAO Pengpeng, SUN Wenbo
2015, (2): 69-73,79. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.011
Abstract(183) PDF(0)
This study analyzed function of travel times on dynamic links ,investigated several frequently used dis‐crete functions of travel time on dynamic links ,and proposed a model of travel time estimation on dynamic links using cel‐lular automation traffic flow model .The proposed model is capable of obtaining the travel times of vehicles entering the corresponding dynamic link at any time ,based on the actual entering and exiting traffic volumes .The results show that the traffic status on corresponding link ,which could be obtained from the functions of cumulative arrival and departure traffic volumes ,is the main factor affecting travel times on dynamic links .The proposed model provides a new method to estimate travel times on a dynamic road network .
An Algorithm of Automated Traffic Incident Detection Based on Factor Analysis and Minimax Probability Machine
BING Qichun, YANG Zhaosheng, ZHOU Xiyang, TIAN Xiujuan
2015, (2): 74-79. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.012
Abstract(200) PDF(0)
In order to further improve the accuracy and efficiency of traffic incident detection ,this paper develops a traffic incident detection algorithm based on factor analysis (FA) and minimax probability machine (MPM) .The initial traffic variables were assigned from the multiple perspectives .This paper developed 11 initial traffic incident detection variables by analyzing the changes of upstream and downstream traffic flows .Factor analysis method is used for feature extraction ,and the dimension of initial traffic variables reduces effectively .The Kernel minimax probability machine and Linear minimax probability machine algorithm are used for traffic incident detection .The proposed method was tested with real traffic flow data from I‐880 database of USA .The experimental results demonstrate that the identification rate of FA‐M PM algorithm is 3 .5% higher than M PM algorithm ,the false identification rate decreases 0 .17% ,and the aver‐age detection time decreases 27 .5 s .The study concludes that MPM algorithm will provide better traffic incident detection than support vector machine (SVM) algorithm and BP neural network (BPNN) algorithm .
A Study of Angry Driving Identification Based on AHP and Matter Element Analysis
QI Yuqian, WU Chaozhong, GAO Song, PENG Liqun
2015, (2): 80-85. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.013
Abstract(180) PDF(1)
Driving behaviors under anger emotion are one of the most important factors impacting on traffic safety . Drivers and road traffic environment affect the degree of driver's anger directly .This research proposes a hierarchical anal‐ysis model to identify the angry driving behaviors ,which is based on the factors ,resulted in angry driving related to driv‐er's individual factors and the road environment factors .According to the importance of related factors to driver's behav‐iors ,the hierarchical analysis model creates a judgment matrix ,and calculates the effect weight from the related factors to angry driving .The angry driving behaviors and the extent of anger are identified by using the comprehensive weighting method of matter‐element multi‐attribute decision .A total of 22 on‐road experiments on urban road were conducted to ac‐quire the data of angry driving behaviors .72 .7 angry driving behaviors were identified by using the proposed model .The results also show that the proposed model l can identify the angry driving behaviors and the extent of anger effectively , based on the individual driver's factors and the road environment .
Risk Assessment of Crowd Crushing and Tramping Accidents at Metro Rail Transit Stations
JIAO Zhida, SONG Rui, LIU Xingcai
2015, (2): 86-91. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.014
Abstract(266) PDF(1)
In order to assess the risk of crowd crushing and tramping accidents at metro rail transit stations ,the typical crowd crushing and tramping accidents at metro rail transit stations in China were analyzed .The theory of fault tree was used to qualitatively analyze the cause of accidents .The indicator system of the crowd crushing and tramping ac‐cidents at metro rail transit stations was proposed and developed in combined with the results of fault tree analysis .Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used in the establishment of risk assessment model of crowd crushing and tramping acci‐dents .Huangzhuang Subway Station of Haidian ,Beijing was selected as a case study to test and analyze the risk assess‐ment model .The results show that 75% of the decision‐making units reach the DEA efficient standard ,and the relative safety efficiency indices of the decision‐making units ,which are none‐DEA efficiency ,are more than 0 .9 .The test results are generally consistent with the real situation ,which proves that the proposed risk assessment model is practical .
A Study of Driver's Visual Recognition Distance of the Black Obstacles in Rainy Nights
ZHAO Weihua, HAN Wei, FENG Zhongxiang, YE Fei, BIAN Haoyi, LIU Haoxue
2015, (2): 92-97,131. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.015
Abstract(236) PDF(0)
In order to prevent and reduce the number of accidents occurred in rainy nights ,this study focuses on how the rainfall intensity impacts on driver's visual cognition distance so driving speed ,stopping sight distance and adviso‐ry speed can be determined .38 drivers were recruited and the actual test‐driving (71 tests) was conducted in rainy nights with different rainfalls .All tests were grouped into 25 groups according to different speed and rainfall intensity using the cluster analysis method .Driver's visual recognition distances of the black obstacles at different speeds were collected .The study developed a model of visual distance recognition distance with variables of rainfall intensity and driving speed using the method of curved surface regression .The results show that the correlation coefficient is 0 .983 2 and effective degree coefficient is 0 .94 ,which confirms the strong relationship between visual cognition distance and the instantaneous rainfall intensity and speed .The results also indicate that the visibility distance decreases when the rainfall increases ,and visibili‐ty distance decreases when the driving speed increases .Under an extreme condition when drivers drive very fast in a heavy rain night ,the visibility distance will decrease greatly and allowed reaction time will be shortened rapidly ,which may cause an accident .
Youth Behavior Analysis on Traffic Safety Based on a Regression Model
TIAN Sheng, LIU Erhui
2015, (2): 98-102. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.016
Abstract(168) PDF(0)
In order to improve the traffic safety level of youth in Guangzhou ,China ,protect them in traffic safety , the youth behaviors on traffic safety were studied based on the Guangzhou youth safe behavior survey data in this paper . Four indicators of youth behaviors on traffic safety including education ,awareness ,attitudes and personal factors were i‐dentified by quantitative analysis .The information of traffic safety education ,awareness ,and attitude was collected by the questionnaires .Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 19 .0 were used to analyze the collected data .The results show that education ,awareness ,attitude and other factors were directly related to the youth behaviors on traffic safety .The significant levels (sig .) of the variables were less than 0 .05 ,which meant that all varia‐bles have significant effects on the youth behaviors on traffic safety ,and they can be well applied in the evaluation of youth behaviors on traffic safety .The results also provide a scientific basis for youth education on traffic safety for par‐ents ,schools ,traffic management authorities to develop relevant policies .
A Simulation Analysis of Vehicle-Pavement Coupling Vibration
MA Rongrong, CHEN Xianhua, YANG Jun
2015, (2): 103-109. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.017
Abstract(207) PDF(1)
In order to study the vehicle ride comfort under the characteristic of coupling vibration between vehicle and pavement ,a full‐car model was built by using software CarSim .Road grade A~D defined in GB7031 were also simu‐lated and verified numerically by using inverse Fourier transform .The acceleration rates and coefficient of tire radial dy‐namic forces under different speeds and road grades were computed .The simulation results indicate that 1) vehicle acceler‐ation rates significantly increased with decrease of road grades and increase of vehicle speed .The acceleration rate changed from 0 .259 9 m/s2 at the speed of 50 km/h on grade A road to 1 .688 9 m/s2 at the speed of 120 km/h on grade D road , which increased approximately 5 .5 times .Vehicle ride performance becomes worse .2) The effect of road roughness and vehicle speed on the dynamic force was significant .The dynamic force coefficient (DFC) produced by vehicle changed from 0 .083 3 at the speed of 50 km/h on grade A road ,to 0 .775 4 at the speed of 120 km/h on grade D road ,an increase of around 8 .3 times .The lower the road grade and the higher the vehicle speed ,the greater the dynamic force coefficient which will cause more serious damaging effects on the road .
Analysis and Modeling of Child Pick-up Probability in Primary and Secondary Schools
SHI Wenjun, LI Wenquan, TONG Xiaolong
2015, (2): 110-115. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.018
Abstract(245) PDF(0)
Urban traffic congestion has become a hot topic of people's daily life in the modern society .The traffic congestion caused by the child pick‐up traffic in primary and secondary schools is particularly prominent .The pick‐up be‐haviors in primary and secondary schools are analyzed ,including various factors affecting the behavior and the extent of the impact of each influencing factor .The survey results of the Nanjing Experimental Primary School were analyzed and SAS software was used for modeling ,model fitting and parameters calibration .Finally ,a probability model of pick‐up be‐havior was proposed .The results show that the student's age and the distances between school and student's home are the two main factors affecting child pick‐up probability The logarithm of the ratio of non‐pick‐up probability to pick‐up proba‐bility reduced 0 .024 1 as the distance increased 1 km and it increased by 1 .125 as student's age increased 1 year .
A Micro level Sensitivity Analysis of Shenzhen-localized MOVES Model
GUO Yuanyuan, CAO Gang, ZHU Rongshu
2015, (2): 116-123. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.019
Abstract(206) PDF(4)
To enable the users to collect the data regarding the key model parameters quickly under the circum‐stance of lacking the data resources ,this paper ,based on localized MOVES model ,introduces the concept of sensitivity a‐nalysis factors (SAF) commonly used in economics and investigates the degree of the influences of the parameters inclu‐ding speed and meteorology etc .on the emission factors of common vehicles in the city of Shenzhen ,China ,based on the defined grades of the absolute values of SAF .The results show that the SAF values of various pollutants range from one to 6 when the speed is less than 25 km/h .Thus ,the speed is considered as a sensitive parameter ;the SAF values of the vehicles at the age of 0~3 years are larger than one and are subject to very rapid deterioration ;the sulfur contents are sensitive parameters only for SO2 emission factors of vehicles whose SAF values are greater than one .The Reye vapor pressure (RVP) has an effect on CO emissions of private vehicles in particular ;temperature is considered as an insensitive parameter for T HC ,CO and PM 2 .5 of the diesel vehicles ,and the humidity is not a sensitive parameter for medium and heavy duty trucks ,community buses and transit buses ,with the values of SAF less than 0 .1 .The model parameters show different sensitivities for different pollutants from various types of vehicles .
A Method of Remote Transmission on Oily Water Separator Status of Underway Ship Based on AIS
LIU Chenguang, HE Wei, SHI Lei, CHU Xiumin
2015, (2): 124-131. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.020
Abstract(195) PDF(0)
In order to better protect the ocean and inland waterway environment and to enhance the monitoring of the ship bilge water discharge behaviors ,in conjunction with the international standards and characteristics of ships ,this paper discusses the necessity and feasibility on remote transmission of navigation ship oily water separator status informa‐tion based on AIS (automatic identification system ) .AIS message 12 and 14 are chosen as a transmission carrier of oily water separator status information .Complete oily water separator status information transmission interactive protocols are proposed in the study .The protocols define 6 types of messages :real‐time data ,request to send ,opening and closing sta‐tus ,historical drain situation ,user‐defined ,and conformation .The procedures of message encoding ,generating ,trans‐mitting ,and parsing are described and analyzed .The proposed message transmission method was tested under a simula‐tion experiment condition with obstructions of buildings and trees .The results indicate that packet error rate is about 30% ,and transmission is reliable to meet the needs of AIS communication .
Efficiency Analysis of Coordinated Operation Mode of Electric Supervision Based on Hypothesis Testing
WANG Rujun, CHEN Jun, CAO Yang, ZHANG Gang
2015, (2): 132-136. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2015.02.021
Abstract(189) PDF(0)
The organization ,programs and operation mechanism are still developing while electronic supervision is implementing .This paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of current operation mode of electronic supervision and proposes a coordinated operation mode of command centre based on the theory of electronic supervision ."Ship violation rate""ship violation rate of remote correction"and"maritime accident rate"are selected as the evaluation indicators ,and an efficiency analysis is conducted based on hypothesis testing .The result shows that maritime supervision effectiveness value increases from 0 .894 to 0 .998 after the implementation of electric supervision .In the future ,the data will be col‐lected and saved in a central system with the development of electronic supervision ,and different modes can be evaluated . The coordinated operation mode can improve supervision efficiency and help to standardize the implementation of electron‐ic supervision ,which plays an important role in maritime supervision .