2012 No. 6

Display Method:
2012, 30(6): 封3-封4.
Abstract(187) PDF(0)
Studying Vehicle Behaviors of Mountainous Areas with Bayesian Network
WEN Huiying, YANG Guifeng
2012, 30(6): 61-66. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.013
Abstract(237) PDF(0)
Impact of Cognitive Loading on Simulated Driving Performance: An Eye Movement Study
YE Xiaolin, YANG Haibo
2012, 30(6): 67-71,76. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.014
Abstract(306) PDF(1)
Optimization of Short Connection Intersection Control Scheme
LIU Yan, YANG Zhaosheng
2012, 30(6): 72-76. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.015
Abstract(231) PDF(0)
Random Regret Minimization Model of Travel Route Choice
LUAN Kun, JUAN Zhicai, NI Anning
2012, 30(6): 77-80. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.016
Abstract(245) PDF(3)
Identification of Freeway Traffic State Based on Parameter Forecasting
WEI Qingbo, SU Kui, HE Zhaocheng, NIE Peilin, YANG Jingfeng
2012, 30(6): 81-86. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.017
Abstract(257) PDF(1)
Transit Travel Distance Based on IC Card Data
ZHANG Yu, HU Xinghua
2012, 30(6): 87-89,99. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.018
Abstract(274) PDF(0)
Improvement in Stop Line Method for Calculating Capacity of Signalized Plane Intersection
ZHANG Xiang, CHEN Jun, WANG Wei, YANG Zhen
2012, 30(6): 90-94. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.019
Abstract(278) PDF(0)
A Detection Method of Expressway Traffic Congestion with Probe Car Data
ZHANG Zhiping, WANG Xiangjie, LIN Hangfei
2012, 30(6): 95-99. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.020
Abstract(252) PDF(0)
Optimization for Airport Taxi Scheduling at Peak Hours Based on Flight Priorities
LIU Qing, SONG Xiangbo, WANG Ke
2012, 30(6): 100-103. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.021
Abstract(252) PDF(0)
Capacity for Widened Exclusive Dual Left-turn Lanes at Signalized Intersections
ZONG Erkai, SHAO Changqiao, BAI Miao
2012, 30(6): 104-108,114. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.022
Abstract(239) PDF(0)
Origin-destination Matrix Estimation Method Based On Bus Smart Card Records
HOU Yan, HE Min, ZHANG Shengbin
2012, 30(6): 109-114. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.023
Abstract(265) PDF(2)
Synchro-based Offset Optimization Method:a Case Study of Intersections in Chang'an Avenue
CHEN Yao, LIU Shasha, LI Lingli, FU Jialei
2012, 30(6): 115-117. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.024
Abstract(231) PDF(0)
Signal Configuration of “Symmetrical T-intersection”
CHEN Lilin, CHENG Jiefeng, ZHANG Junyou
2012, 30(6): 118-121. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.025
Abstract(234) PDF(0)
Ship Sailing and UKC Management in MBZ Channel
YANG Fuguo
2012, 30(6): 122-125. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.026
Abstract(232) PDF(0)
Intersection Signal Control Dynamic Decision-making Model and Its Optimization Method
SHOU Yanfang, XU Jianmin, LU Kai
2012, 30(6): 126-130. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.027
Abstract(253) PDF(0)
Land Development Intensity of the City Center Based on the Residual Capacity of Traffic System
SONG Cheng
2012, 30(6): 131-135. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.028
Abstract(201) PDF(0)
Monitoring System of Highway Slope with Wireless Sensor Networks
JIA Tong, HE Tiejun, ZHANG Xiaochun, LI Zan
2012, 30(6): 136-139,144. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.029
Abstract(234) PDF(2)
Maritime Supervision Model in Three Gorges Dam Area Based on Multi-functional Buoys
LU Jun
2012, 30(6): 140-144. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.030
Abstract(255) PDF(0)
A Vehicle Monitoring Platform Based on Internet of Things and Its Key Technologies
ZHAO Lixuan, CHENG Zhifeng, ZHAN Chengzhi, NIE Peilin
2012, 30(6): 145-149,154. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.031
Abstract(252) PDF(0)
Design and Implementation of Platform for BI-based Data Integrated Display and Analysis
LI Jun, DU Yong
2012, 30(6): 150-154. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.032
Abstract(252) PDF(0)
Transportation Safety
Intelligent Evaluation and Data Exchange of Road Test System for Motor Vehicles
WU Chaozhong, WU Yefu, ZHANG Dan, FU Tanhuan
2012, 30(6): 1-5,16. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.001
Abstract(388) PDF(0)
Rear-end Conflict of Freeway Work Zone Based on TTC and DRAC
MENG Xianghai, XU Hanqing, WANG Hao, YAO Hui
2012, 30(6): 6-10. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.002
Abstract(575) PDF(16)
Traffic Safety Equipment Placement Study in Work Zones
ZHOU Sien, ZHANG Can, YANG Xinmiao
2012, 30(6): 11-16. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.003
Abstract(470) PDF(0)
Safety Risk Assessment of Civil Aviation Staffs Based on Life Events
SUN Ruishan, CHEN Gong
2012, 30(6): 17-21,32. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.004
Abstract(371) PDF(0)
Influencing Factors of Critical Gap for Pedestrians Crossing the Traffic Flow
JIN Guanghao, BIAN Yang, RONG Jian, ZHAO Guanghua
2012, 30(6): 22-25. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.005
Abstract(459) PDF(1)
Research Review of the Impacts of Adverse Weather Events on Road Transport System
SUN Hongyun, YANG Jinshun, LI Linbo, WU Bing
2012, 30(6): 26-32. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.006
Abstract(513) PDF(5)
Data Cleaning Technique of Road Safety Information Based on ATMS
2012, 30(6): 33-37. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.007
Abstract(415) PDF(0)
An Approach to Limit Value of Information Amount for Urban Guide Signs
ZU Yongchang, LI Ya, WANG Yunxia, LU Jian, YU Chunjun
2012, 30(6): 38-42. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.008
Abstract(429) PDF(0)
Impact of Alcohol Intake on Driving Ability
PENG Ting, ZHANG Cheng, PEI Yulong
2012, 30(6): 43-47. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.009
Abstract(475) PDF(0)
Relating the Operating Speed and Traffic Safety on Freeways
XIONG Hui, SUN Xiaoduan, HE Yulong, HOU Shuzhan
2012, 30(6): 48-51,56. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.010
Abstract(244) PDF(0)
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Technique for the Operation Safety of Military Utility Vehicles
YIN Shupan, HE Zhongqi, PENG Xinye
2012, 30(6): 52-56. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.011
Abstract(248) PDF(1)
Analysis of Car Traffic Safety Based on ADAMS/Car in Rainy Days
FANG Ke, ZHOU Hua, LIU Chunzhi
2012, 30(6): 57-60,66. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2012.06.012
Abstract(234) PDF(0)